A.I. is evolving at a pace faster than any technology we have seen. It is important to put this technology to use as a reliable business TOOL vs. REPLACEMENT. As the evolution continues, immediate operational & marketing opportunities allow for more streamlined campaigns to accelerate the growth of your business. When setup and used correctly, these A.I. tools can become the time-efficient solution that allows you to focus on building out other vital components of your business.
The chatbot below is named Your Ops Bot. It is a custom A.I. Business Tool built by Your Ops Guy has been trained to provides a 24/7 interactive user experience and database to questions relative to the services offered here at Your Ops Guy. It has also become a weekly "author" in the Ops Report.
Type out questions/comments as if you were having a text conversation with someone. Your Ops Bot is trained with information about the Wix Website Development Platform, NiftyKit Blockchain Solution, as well as general business related topics. When chatting, keep in mind that similar A.I. bots can be trained and customized for your business!
Go ahead and give it a try!